Saturday, April 26, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Stuff San Francisco People Like
4. Hating Gavin Newsom. Who wouldn't hate him? He's young, hot, successful, engaged, rich... What a dickweed.
My mayor is hotter than your mayor. P.S., that's not his fiancee.
5. Hedonism. I've never felt like such a prude as in this city. How could I have never been to a sex club (yes, that is exactly what it sounds like - go to a building and have group orgies. There are separate rooms depending on your fetish: S&M? Guys only? Girls only? Furries?) done drugs, or had a one-night stand? Geez, what are you living for?
You party animal
Thursday, April 10, 2008
"But if You Go Putting Up Pictures of Chairman Mao..."
Policewoman stops to snap a photo with her camera phone
The Olympics and Darfur are inextricably (or is that "inexplicably"?) linked
This multitasker was simultaneously chatting on his iPhone, wearing a bike helmet (because people want to slap him upside the head?) and pants eight inches too short, waving a Tibetan flag, and talking smack to anyone who would listen.
After all that, they ended up changing the route at the last minute - apparently switching it up as they went. So hardly anyone got to see the torch, including press. A great prank on the city's part, especially considering the thousands and thousands of dollars this whole farce cost to execute.
Monday, April 7, 2008
...In Which I Geek Out Over Funny Men
The blog: This Side of the Truth
The man is a bloody genius.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Presidential Support

Friday, April 4, 2008
"So I guess this is a one-girl operation, huh?"
"You are a girl, right?"
Me: "What kind of question is that?!"