Effing San Francisco and its pet causes. After dodging dozens of people thrusting clipboards with petitions in my face, asking me if I'm a registered California voter, I still had to make my way through the Darfur people, the alternative energy petitioners, and the anti-war contingent. And of course, thousands and thousands of Tibet picketers.
Policewoman stops to snap a photo with her camera phone
The Olympics and Darfur are inextricably (or is that "inexplicably"?) linked
This multitasker was simultaneously chatting on his iPhone, wearing a bike helmet (because people want to slap him upside the head?) and pants eight inches too short, waving a Tibetan flag, and talking smack to anyone who would listen.
After all that, they ended up changing the route at the last minute - apparently switching it up as they went. So hardly anyone got to see the torch, including press. A great prank on the city's part, especially considering the thousands and thousands of dollars this whole farce cost to execute.
1 comment:
This is sooooooooo stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly-- so stupid. I wonder how many of the people protesting this has any minute understanding of the situation over there. I saw a bumper sticker once that said "China out of Tibet? U.S. out of Hawaii!" San Francisco needs to shut up.
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