Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!


Here's something that made me smile this morning:

Ok, "smile" is a bit euphemistic. "Squeal, laugh, and say 'awwww!!!!'" is more like it. My cousin's baby already has a Halloween costume; I need to get thinking of one for when I'm in New York! All my good ideas involve me in drag (Marty McFly, anyone?). Why are boys' costumes so much cooler? I refuse to be a slutty nurse/red riding hood/maid/bumble bee...

I had some deep birthday thoughts this morning, but they have unfortunately been replaced by thoughts of PANCAKES (my roommate is taking me out for brunch).

Much love.


Anonymous said...

I loved Whory-Crocket!

Anonymous said...

And a Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had fun and lots of pancakes with real maple syrup. "Hey you monkees,give me back my hats!"

Haley said...

Eric, "Whore-y Crockett"! I forgot. Unfortunately, the outfit just wouldn't be the same since I had to give Chris Shotwell his coonskin cap back!